Pictured above, holding the ‘Sold’ sign, is Lauchlan or ‘Lauchie’ as he is affectionally known to his friends and family. Lauchie is 16 years old and lives with his mum Francis in Salisbury East, South Australia.
Lauchie has Neuro Diversity, he's a shy kid, he’s had some struggles with mainstream school and life hasn’t been that easy, but that all started to change one day 4 years ago…
Lauchie’s piano journey first started in 2018 when on a random day out with his mum, he stumbled across one of our free public pianos at Richard’s Park in Norwood.
To his mum Francis’ amazement, Lauchie immediately took to playing piano, it was almost as if he’d been playing for years… His hands and fingers seemed to know where to move, how to move, when to move… and suddenly there was music…
Fast forward 4 years later; after stumbling across a free piano in a random park in Adelaide; Lauchie is now an accomplished pianist, composing and recording music of his own. His natural talent hasn’t gone unnoticed, having recently participated in the Adelaide Festival collaborating with Ruth Mackenzie, Tim Steiner and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra as an inaugural member of the Citizens Orchestra.
Lauchie has struggled playing on his old untuned piano for the past 4 years so last Saturday, Joe met with Lauchie, his mum and long time friend Greville who flew down from Queensland at our Evandale piano store.
After a few hours playing pianos in our store, some discussions between Joe and Greville and some happy tears from his Mum Francis; Lauchie walked out, the proud new owner of a fully refurbished Yamaha Professional Piano.
As a small family business, with children of our own, all you ever want as a parent is for your children to be happy.
We are so proud to have been part of Lauchie’s story. Listen to Lauchie the piano in the video below!